Tacho Web
Remote Tachograph Download System
About Tacho Web

Tacho Web is the first of its kind bringing multiple manufacturers together in one place to remotely download a Vehicles Digital Tachograph and Drivers Digital Tachograph Card, our scheduling ensures no VU data is missed and drivers cards are captured thanks to our initiative scheduling and advanced features.
Tacho Web is Gen2 V2 ready depending on the hardwares capabilities, Tacho Web currently supports devices from Ruptela and Teltonika.
The .ddd files once downloaded are stored on our secure servers for 24 months and can be downloaded manually, sent via email, FTP or automatically uploaded to an analysis provider via our API connections, with connections to all the major analysis providers directly integrated with Tacho Web it has never been easier to stay compliant.

Tacho Web Overview
Vehicles Page
From the vehicles page the device IMEI's are automatically updated to the vehicles registration once a vehicle file has been downloaded.
The status column shows you the Tachograph mode, Ignition Status and External voltage.
Connection Status allows you to see 24 hours of connection made to Tacho Web to help identify any connection issues.
The Files column shows you when a file was last downloaded, you can click this to bring up all the vehicles .ddd files.
The Schedules column shows you when the next download schedule is due, this can be clicked to show any multiple schedules set for a vehicle.
The Driver column shows you which driver is currently in the vehicle.

From the drivers page you can see a list of drivers their status, schedules, connection history and files.
Should you require an additional download you can simply click the download button and the system will automatically create a one time download schedule.
The system will ignore schedules against drivers which have been set to inactive, this is particularly useful when you do not require to download workshop technicians cards etc.
Tacho Web's innovative scheduling ensures you have no gaps in your vehicle data downloads, weather you choose Daily, Weekly, Fortnightly or monthly downloads, or if your vehicle has been off the road for a long time due to repairs Tacho Web will cover the data period missed automatically.
Should you require to download a specific date range you can select your start and end date for single or multiple vehicles at any time.
Drivers are automatically detected and added to Tacho Web, once a driver has been created they will be automatically added to the company default schedule, which by default is daily and can be changed to weekly or fortnightly downloads at any time.

Tachograph Analysis Providers we are integrated with.
Tacho Web is seamlessly integrated with all the below major analysis providers to automatically push files to your account instantly.
More ways to access your files.
If you analyse using desktop software you can easily access your files using the methods below.